Wrenches are devices used to increase holding power or exert a force upon a nut and bolt. You have access to combination wrenches and adjustable wrenches. Most wrenches are designed to fit on one size nut or bolt. It is always better to use the correct fitting wrench for the job as opposed to using an adjustable wrench. The adjustable wrench will have a tendency to ruin your nut and or bolt.
The combination wrench is pictured on the left. It is a combination between an open ended wrench and a box ended wrench. To the right, we see the adjustable wrench. Many times these are called Cresent wrenches because of the most popular producer of this style of wrench. This is not correct. The correct name is adjustable wrench.
On the combination wrench, what is the purpose of having an open ended wrench?
Which end would be better to use if you had your choice? The box end or open end and why?