- Jackson High School
- National Art Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Advisor-Mr. Russell Suhy
How many members are in this club? Approximately 51 members ranging from sophomores to seniors.
When does your club meet? Meetings are after school on the last Monday of the month in room G013.
Is there a fee to join? Membership dues are $17 ($5.00 to National dues and $12.00 to cords) first year; $5.00 second or third year.
Are there any special requirements to join? You must apply for membership by submitting a portfolio, meet a 3.1 GPA Art average, and demonstrate high standards in service and character.
What kind of things does this club do? Field trips to various art exhibits and galleries and fundraisers.Community service projects involving the visual arts.
Are there any requirements to stay in the club? You must maintain a 3.1 Art GPA and character standards, and participate in all group activities and complete 3 hours of community service each semester.
Does the club participate in tournaments or contests? Students in the art department in general all participate in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards competition, as well as, Governor's Youth Art Awards.
Does the club do anything to help the community? Our services are always available, however we outreach more by displaying artwork to promote the arts.
Does your club have any fundraisers? We sold t-shirts in the past.
Any special trips your club takes? A possible field trip that involves the visual arts.