• Hello everyone, I am Joseph Drury Automotive Instructor at Jackson High School in Massillon Ohio. I have a great understanding and love for the Automotive Industry. I have had a number of great instructors that have taught me this great craft. Their inspiration has installed a need or want to help inspire others in this great field.

    I took automotive in high school and continued in college. Working in the independent shop while in college then to auto dealer after graduation. In the dealer I continued with learning the changing technologies through manufacture training and self studies. When at the pinnacle of my career I found myself teaching others this craft as a master technician in an Audi dealer. Finding gratification in helping others learning the craft has brought me to this Great opportunity. My wife and I are busy raising our two children.

    If you need to reach me my phone number 330-837-3501 ext 1539   

     or by email  jad2jc@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org