- Jackson High School
- Señor Fradl
- Papiamento
Fradl, Humphrey
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Papiamento - The language of the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, by about 300
A Quick Lesson of Papiamento
The language of Papiamento is spoken on the Island of Aruba. It is a potpourri of several languages which include Spanish, Dutch, English, Portugese and African and Indian words. Today most Arubans also speak English, Dutch and Spanish.
Some basic Papiamento words include:Pronouns:
I - Ami
You - Abo
He, she, it - E
We - Nos
You (plural) - Boso
They - NanConjugations: To be, To have, To do
To be: Ta To have: Tin To do: Haci I am: Ami ta I have: Ami tin I do: Ami ta haci You are: Abo ta You have: Abo tin You do: Abo ta haci He, she, it is: E ta He, she, it has: E tin He, she, it does: E ta haci We are: Nos ta We have: Nos tin We do: Nos ta haci You are: Boso ta You have: Boso tin You do: Boso ta haci They are: Nan ta They have: Nan tin They do: Nan ta haci Some very common words:
Good morning: Bon dia
Good afternoon: Bon tardi
Goodnight, Good evening: Bon nochi
Welcome: Bon Boni
Thank you: Danki
How are you?: Con ta bai?
Goodbye: Ajo
What time is it?: Kwan tor tin?
Where do you live?: Unda bo ta biba?
All of us: Nos tur
All of you: Boso
The two of us: Nos dosRomantic Words:
A kiss: Un sunchi
A hug: Un braza
My sweetheart: Mi dushi
Delicious or great: Dushi 'om
With all my love: Ku tur mi amor
To french kiss: Ranka Lenga also chupa lenga
A loved one: Frei
My love: Mi amor
To cheat on someone: Corta orea
Smells good: Hole dushiShopping:
How much does this cost?: Kwanto esaki ta costa?
Looking around, brousing: Mi ta wak rond
Lets go out on a trip: Ban dal un trip
The Bank: Banco
Money: Plaka
What movie is playing today?: Ki pelicula ta hunga awe?
Sneakers: Keds
Shoes: Sapato
In the town: Den caya
I'm thirsty: Mi tin sed
I'm hungry: Mi tin hamber
Lets go home: Ban kasMore Words:
Come here: bin aki
Let's go out: ban sali
Let's enjoy: ban goza
Everything is going well: tur kos ta bon
Lets continue: ban sigi
lets eat: ban come
Water: awa
Rain: awacero
Lightning: lamper
The thunder: strena
Cloud: nubia
The beach, also the ocean: lama
Sand also country: tera
The country side: kunuku
In the city: den stad
At the port: na waf
Bridge: brug
The road: caminda
Traffic lights: luz di trafico
The cops: polis
Fire truck: brandweer
Highway: caminda grandi
Lines: strepi
A fine or ticket: boet
To give someone the rightaway on the road: voorangFood:
Food: cuminda
Fish: pisca
Chicken: galinja
Lobster: kreeft
Crab: kangrew
Conch: calco
Salad: salada
Bread: pan
Butter: manteca
Cheese: keshi ( not used when taking pictures):
Cold cuts: beleg
Milk: lechi
Soda: soft or refresco
Wine (also the color purple): binja
Sweets/candy: mangel
A lollipop made in Aruba: chupa bebe
Similar to pate: pastechi
Sugar: suku
Salt: salo
Pepper: pikaColors:
White: blanco
Black: preto
Red: cora
Pink: roos
Purple: binja
Green: berde
Yellow: geel
Brown: bruin
Grey (also ashes): shinishi
Blue: blauThe Numbers: 1-1001 = un 11 = diesun 10 = dies 2 = dos 12 = diesdos 20 = binti 3 = tres 13 = diestres 30 = trinta 4 = cuatro 14 = diescuatro 40 = cuarenta 5 = cinco 15 = diescinco 50 = cincuenta 6 = seis 16 = diesseis 60 = sesenta 7 = shete 17 = diesshete 70 = setenta 8 = ocho 18 = diesocho 80 = ochenta 9 = nuebe 19 = diesnuebe 90 = nobenta 10 = dies 20 = binti 100= shen