Grading Policy




    Señor Fradl

    Español III/IV


    I am very proud of you as Spanish students, having made the choice to enroll in Spanish II/III and to continue to develop your language communication skills. I plan to do my best to help you to become more proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. You will also gain more global awareness as we explore the history, contributions, politics, and cultures of Spanish speaking countries of the world.


    Textbook Information

    Needed Supplies
    The Spanish III curriculum is student centered and focuses on real world tasks for living abroad. You will receive a letter that explains our “move” to Spanish speaking countries, an exciting, successful learning program for all. The textbook ¡Avancemos! will be used only as resource from time to time. Classroom copies will be available for that purpose and reference.

    Students will need a notebook with 8 sections devoted ONLY to Spanish. This notebook should be brought to class DAILY. Note cards are very helpful in learning vocabulary, as well.

    Spanish IV will use ¡Avancemos! 4 book. You are required to cover it with heavy grocery bag paper for the entire school year, so REPLACE the cover AS NEEDED.

    See my website for details regarding access to the textbook from home.

    A. What I expect of my students

    • Please arrive to class promptly and be in your seats when the bell rings.

    • Please use this class for Spanish learning. Put everything else away!

    • No gum please! Gum interferes with pronunciation.

    • No cell phones, Ipods, etc. turned on or visible during class unless I have given permission to use them for academic reasons. However, there will be no unauthorized use/texting.

    • TEST DAYS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Please be in class ready to begin. NOTE: If you are absent on the day of a test, and you had knowledge that there was a test that day you are required to make it up upon your return to school. I prefer that you do this during a study hall in order not to miss instruction. ***Therefore, visit me before school on the day you return after an absence to get a pass for test make-up during a study hall. I can usually be found in my room (C305).

    • Please do all assignments and projects. They are important to your learning. NOTE: Conscientious students check my Web site regularly for assignments, notes, practice materials, and other valuable student support.

    • PLEASE USE PENCIL on all quizzes, tests, and assignments. If I can’t read it, it’s wrong.

    • PLEASE pay attention during class. Sit up in your seat; no sleeping, please. This will also apply when viewing any videos or news clips for oral comprehension. Everything we do is important to your learning.

    • PLEASE only request restroom use in an EMERGENCY. In that case you must complete the class log located on the bulletin board and use the laminated pass.

    • Come prepared: Do not ask for passes for the phone, lockers, etc. If permission for the above reasons is granted (due to very special circumstances) you must use your own student handbook.

    • Since this is a Spanish class, we will be speaking Spanish as much as possible in class. Proficiency only comes with lots of practice and taking risks to use more difficult structures. So…BE POSITIVE AND PARTICIPATE OFTEN!

    • Consult your student handbook regarding plagiarism. This is a very serious issue. Copying someone else's hard work will in no way be tolerated (including information from the Internet or using an online translator)!



    B. Grading Policy:

    • Every assignment, project, quiz, and test is worth an amount of points. Homework and project points are determined by the degree of challenge, amount of work, and time necessary for successful completion.

    • Most homework will be checked for completion, then reviewed and explained in class.

    • Our department general policy is NO RETESTS, however, in extenuating circumstances I may reconsider on a case by case basis.

    • Oral competency (testing, projects, and presentations) in the language will be evaluated using rubrics. Rubrics will be distributed and explained ahead of time.

    • Written and/or oral assessments will be administered to measure student learning. Students will have ample notice to prepare for major evaluations and projects.

    • Remember the Palabra de honor! Spanish III be assessed 30 products points (Spanish II-20 pts) per nine weeks for speaking ONLY Spanish.

    • Spend time each day reviewing and reinforcing material so that you do not feel overwhelmed at test time. DAILY STUDY IS CRITICAL!

    • Nine weeks grades will be calculated as an average between the learning process (Spanish II-20%, Spanish III-15%) and product (Spanish II-80%, Spanih III-85%). Process includes homework points, class participation, activities, and anything that is not actually collected and graded. The product portion is everything assessed by the teacher including oral and written tests, homework, projects, etc., and represents what the student actually knows and is able do. The average of process and product will be converted to letter grades according to our school grading scale:







    • *I may use discretion to raise or lower a student’s grade by one letter, based upon factors such as discipline, compliance with rules, participation, completion of work, and the like.


    C. Closing Comments:

    YOU, MY STUDENTS, are very important to me! I look forward to seeing you in class daily and observing your progress in Spanish. My wish is that you become proficient in the four major skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With this accomplished, you will communicate proficiently in Spanish. Please see me if there is a problem. Only when you succeed have I done my job well.

    Voice Mail and Homework Hotline: 830-8100, Ext. 1325
    Web Page: