- Jackson High School
- College Credit Plus English Semester 2 ENG231
- Sem. 2 Required Materials and Text Info
Dual Credit English Required Materials and Texts 2015-2016 school year - Semester 2 Materials and Te
Semester 2 - ENG231 / College Credit Plus English - College Composition II
Students should buy ONE 70-page, single subject spiral notebook to be used specifically as an INVENTION JOURNAL for College Composition 2 (Semester 2). Single subject notebooks can be found at Marc's for less than $1.00. ONLY Single Subject spiral notebooks can be used for the Invention Journal that will be graded for this class. Multiple subject notebooks will NOT be accepted.
We will also use Bearworks - Google Drive - for essays and written work.
Jackson Local School District, in compliance with the Ohio Board of Regents and Ohio Board of Education, will provide students with the required text books for both semesters. Students should NOT buy text books. Students will receive the book checked out to them during the beginning of second semester. (There are NO costs related to textbooks for this course.) Replacement cost to the student for this text if lost or damaged beyond repair is $112.31.
We will use the following text for this course:
Semester 2: Text for College Composition II ENG231
Faigley, Lester Writing: A Guide to College & Beyond, 4th ed., Pearson, 2016
ISBN-10: 0321993802