- Jackson High School
- AP: Literature and Composition
Williams, Sarah
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AP: Literature and Composition
Summer Reading 2019
AP Lit and Comp Summer Reading 2019
Prerequisite: Successful completion of AP Language and Composition or English 114 with teacher recommendation strongly encouraged
Length: Year course
Grade Level: 12
Credit: 1 credit
Designed for students with superior academic standing, outstanding class participation, and a high aptitude for studies in English, this course focuses primarily on international and British literature and puts a premium on reading a piece of literature for the first time and responding extemporaneously. The course will also include substantial out-of-class reading and writing, including a literary research project. Whereas traditional courses concern themselves to a great extent on historical background and author biography, this class views as primary importance the literary works themselves, especially the overall meanings, and the styles and techniques employed by the author to express them. Outside and in-class writing assignments will include a review of standard word usage, sentence structure, organization, idea development, and exposition, all in an effort to hone advanced composition skills. Students will also plan and present a variety of literature-based audio/visual projects to the class that will stress cooperative planning and problem-solving, original and imaginative expression, and effective use of available technology. A primary objective of the class is to encourage valid, original, and exciting analysis of representative works from the greatest writers in history.
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AP Literature Course Requirements 2017-2018
This is where the requirements of the course will be outlined.