
  • All students will upload written work to a portfolio at Turnitin.com.

    Use the document below to register with the site.  Students must have a password from the teacher and a class ID number.  Make sure you are registering for the correct section!  

    Students should use the Bearworks email address assigned to them.  Students can not use an email shared by another student.  You may want to forward your Bearworks email to an account you check regularly, as I do use Turnitin.com to generate group emails regarding assignments.  Once you have created your account, you will receive an email; please check this.

    For your convenience, here are the class ID numbers and passwords. 

    Accelerated English 11
    Class ID: 15968681
    Enrollment Key: polarbear

    AP: Literature
    Class ID: 15968671
    Enrollment Key: polarbear

    Registering for and Uploading to Turnitin.com
    1)  Open your browser and navigate to turnitin.com
          - Once Turnitin.com has loaded, locate the words "create account" under the email log in window
              in the upper right corner.
          - On this window, scroll about half-way down to "create a new account" and click on "student."
          - Class ID numbers vary by each period, so be certain to choose the correct number above and enter it in the correct window.

    2) Type your name as requested.
         - Enter your Bearworks email.
            - It's your school User ID@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org
        - Read the paragraph about your password and create a new one.  REMEMBER IT. 
        - Choose a security question (one to which the answer will not change).
        - Read the "User Agreement," chose the appropriate age box and, and click "I agree."
        - Now log in to your account.
    3) To upload your paper (I may have missed a step here as my side is different than yours.  If you think you are lost, use the training tutorials (Training tab on web site).
         - Locate the assignment and the submit button.
         - Locate the "browse" button and attach your paper.
         - Your paper MUST be a doc, PDF, or txt file. 
         - Look at the outline of the box; if it is green, proceed.  If it is red, the paper is not in the correct

    4) You will get a window allowing you to see your paper.  Scroll down to check that the entire paper appears.   It will not appear to be formatted correctly.  
           - Hit "submit" again.  You will see a "receipt" that your paper was correctly uploaded.  
          - If you do not do this last step, your paper will not be submitted correctly.
          - You can save a copy of the receipt screen if you wish.

    If you have trouble following these directions, Turnitin does have tutorials.  These are located under the "Training" tab (> Student Training > Set Up).