Credit Flex

  • Health Credit Flexibility

    Health education is recommended for all students during their freshman year of high school.  Students are encouraged to complete the course prior to completing their sophomore year.  Instruction and discussion is provided in this course to promote personal health.  Individual units of instruction include: Health and Your Wellness, Health and Your Body, Drugs, Diseases and Disorders, Adolescence, Adulthood and Family Life, and Reproductive Health.  First aid and CPR may also be covered.  Students will learn about the controllable and uncontrollable aspects of health and how to go through the decision making process to improve current health status and health in the future. Students will be asked to keep a notebook as part of the class requirements.

    Documents needed to fulfill the requirements for credit flexibility can be found in this section.  If you cannot locate a document that you need, contact one of the Health teachers- Mr. Akers , Ms. Yavorsky or Mr. Holecko.  

    It is important that you stay in contact with one of the Health teachers as you complete this course so that you can schedule tests and turn in work that you have completed.

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