Mrs. White's Home Page

  • Check out what's going on in class:  Click here!


    Welcome to 

    7th Grade Language Arts!

    Welcome!  This is my eleventh year at Jackson Memorial Middle School and I am proud to be a member of the Polar Bear team.  This community is a true example of just how important it is to support your local schools.  I have enjoyed the positive environment and experiences over the years.  I look forward to creating many more great memories in this district.
    To learn a little bit about me, visit the "Meet the Teacher" page. You will be learning so much about me and I am excited to learn more about each one of my students!  Together, we will make this year successful and exciting!

    Website Navigation

    This website is going to be very helpful to you and your child throughout the year.  Below are the links to different pages on my website that provide useful information.  Please choose from the links below to navigate through the website.


    • Updates about what we are currently working on in our Language Arts class can be found in the "What Going On in Class?" section.
    • Our homework calendar can be found by clicking 7A Homework Calendar. 
    • All class notes, handouts, assignments, and other materials can be found on our Language Arts Polaris course.