Getting to know Ms. Ruggieri

  • Here is your chance to get to know Miss Ruggieri.

         I am a graduate of Washington High School, and Kent State University with a bachelor of science degree with a concentration in teaching Physical Education K-12. This is my 19th year teaching here at Jackson, I first started out traveling back and forth teaching at both Sauder and the middle school.  I have absolutely loved my time with middle school students, but I must say I do miss my Sauder students.
         I live in Massillon with my three dogs all boxers ( I rescue boxers) Neko, Kono, and Ka'alani, they are all Hawaiian names, yes I love Hawaii I have been there 8 times and been to most of all the Islands. I would love one day to finish up my teaching career teaching on one of the islands.  My most unforgettable time in Hawaii is when I went cliff diving at Hapuna Beach on the big island of Hawaii. (WOW WHAT A RUSH).
         I have a brother and a sister that live close to me which is nice, especially during the holidays.  my boy friend Wayne and I have been together for 10 years we love to walk the dogs and go golfing in our free time.  We love to travel to Las Vegas at least once a year, I ran my first half marathon in Vegas 5 years ago what a blast running the streets to old downtown and back, starting temperature that morning was 99 degrees got to love the heat.
         As some of you may know from your son or daughter telling you I do have an addiction for tennis shoes and Oakley sunglasses,  I have to match my shoes to my outfits and glasses for that day (Dads you wouldn't understand mom's you would)  I love shoes and outfits that are of bright neon colors, all about the bright colors, my only other addiction would have to be Starbucks something about their beverages.
         I am very active and love being active, I play softball in Canton during the summers and enjoy every minute of it, I also enjoy working in the yard and doing landscapeing,  I hope you found some of these facts about me to be interesting, and I hope you feel like you now know your son/daughters Phys. Ed. teacher a little better.  I encourage all parents out there to get on your children about being active and maybe start being active with him/her.