Test Taking Preparation From Scholastic

  • Help your child with test taking preparation using the following process:

    1. Help your child map out a test-taking study schedule so you can best manage her time.
    2. Determine what kinds of questions will be on the test: short-answer, multiple-choice, essay, or a combination of the three.
    3. Ask your child what she thinks is going to be on the test. Then look at her class notes together and the parts of the textbook that deal with those particular topics and issues. Ask your child what pages the teacher stressed, and whether there are any maps, charts, or extra reading she needs to know. If the teacher provided study questions, go over them carefully, and help your child write down answers and key pieces of information so she can review them later.
    4. Remember test taking basics. One tip for helping a child organize and remember information is to follow the five W's: who, what, when, where, and why.
    5. Teach test taking skills: how to read the test all the way through, answer the questions she knows well first, and return to the questions she's unsure of later. The goal is to not only reinforce knowledge and understanding, but to build your child's confidence and help lay the groundwork for a lifetime of good study skills.
    6. Follow up with test taking. Compliment your child for working with you and putting in the time to prepare for test taking. And if the results are not what you and your child hoped for, talk to the teacher to find out what was missing in your child's preparation.