Homework Policy in Third Grade


         Homework in third grade is very important. As a third grade team we work to make sure that homework is fairly consistent, however there are a few differences from class to class to help us each meet the needs of our students. We try to be unison in our amount and covering of skills. 
          Homework should never take more than 35 minutes a night, Monday-Thursday.Your time is very valuable to me and I want to make sure that you understand my teaching philosophy as well as my homework philosophy. I believe homework should be purposeful, inviting, personalized, engaging, and doable for each student and I aim to cover all of these bases. I know that third grade homework can be overwhelming and it is different than second grade. I try to keep homework routine in order to make it less overwhelming. 
    Attached you will find a sample Homework Checklist that you can use at home to help make sure that the homework is doable. 

         Please let me know if I can help or clarify anything. I can also print and laminate this homework checklist if that would be helpful for you and your child. 

    Thank you,
    Miss Burdeshaw 


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