- Jackson Mem. Middle School
- My Home Page
Mr. K. Miller Science
Hi all! Welcome to my new classroom website! I am Mr. K. Miller, the 7th grade community 7C Science teacher. I have been teaching Science here at Jackson Middle School for 26 years. I have coached football and baseball as well so Science isn't my only interest.
Most of the weekly information for your son or daughter including homework, quizzes, and tests will be found under the calendar icon. Make sure you click on the underlined words for full information.
If you have any questions you can email me at kpm2jc@jackson.sparcc.org.
**The students will use classroom sets of books this year. We will use about 4 different books based on the units. They are permitted to borrow a book anytime as long as they sign it out.
The curriculum for my class will go in the following order for the most part. Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science.
FYI: I update my website every Monday so you will be up to par with what is going on in my class including important dates such as homework due dates, tests, and quizzes. Students are expected to bring chromebooks every day but usage in relation to class will vary based on topic and assignments. My grades will all be done on Sunguard, so if looking at your child's grade please use Sunguard. Grades on Polaris may only be for individual grades but those will always be viewable on Sunguard.
You can view my classroom rules and grading policy below.
Looking forward to a wonderful year.
Mr. Miller
** I hope everyone is staying healthy and will remain healthy for as long as we battle through these tough times. I will post and start the online assignments in Polaris on Monday, March 30th in the morning. All work will be done there and I will keep grades updated in Home Access Center(Sunguard) every few days.
Feel free to email me when issues arise or with any concerns or questions.
**Also, I am looking for a student who is interested in keeping the classroom snake at home for the summer. If interested please email me and we can discuss.