- Jackson Mem. Middle School
- Computers Course
Computers Course
Course Questions & their Student Learning Objectives
Internet Safety
- How can a knowledge of Digital Citizenship, and basic web design improve your personal use of the internet?
I can explain factors that influence message design (e.g. intended audience, medium, purpose, and nature of message) & practice responsible usage of technologies (practice safe use, download legally, & adhere to copyright restrictions).Graphic Design
- How can skills gained in visual design programs like Paint, Photoshop, & Premiere improve both your academic, and personal life?
I can edit individual parts of a visual design presentation without recreating the whole to integrate multimedial and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.Computer Literacy
- How can basic computer literacy impact your academics?
I can determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in Computer and multimedia technology being used.
Related Files
Course Syllabus
Please print this file, read and initial each section (student and parent), sign the bottom and return in class by end of the first week of the twelve week course.