• File Storage on Chromebooks - Best Practice

    Posted by:

    We have prepared some information about how files are stored on chromebooks.  We want to let you know about files that may be lost if a Chromebook is reset or broken.  

    A simple guide is available here:



    More information is available here:



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  • Is Google Working right?

    Posted by:

    Similar to Polaris/Schoology, Google is experiencing a very large increase in load with recent events.  They may have some service interruptions as a result.


    You can check on Google's status here.  In most cases Google has services restored within about 45 minutes for most users.


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  • Polaris/Schoology Is not working

    Posted by:

    The learning environment has radically changed in the last few weeks.  The Polaris eLearning environment is largely hosted on Schoology, a eLearning environment that Jackson has been using for instruction for about 5 years.  They have been quickly expanding their server platform to handle this additional load, but sometimes the load far exceeds their server capability, and they may have some performance issues as a result.


    They have a site monitor available at: https://status.schoology.com/.  Here you can see if they are having problems, and if you wish you can subscribe to be alerted when they are working on an issue.  Keep in mind that when a problem occurs, there may be a little delay between the start of the problem and status site getting updated. 


    Unfortunately, when Schoology is down, there is nothing that we (Jackson) can do to fix the problem.  Please know that our team is aware of the issues, and our teachers will be flexible during this eLearning period on due dates.  Nobody can escape tech challenges sometimes.


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  • How can I troubleshoot Google Meet quality issues?

    Posted by:

    Please see this document for Troubleshooting Google Meet Quality Issues.

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  • eMail Restrictions

    Posted by:

    At Jackson, student safety is a primary concern.  As such, we use a number of systems to do our part in protecting your child while online.

    Almost everybody who has had an email account knows that eventually you will receive inapproproiate, unwanted email.  We do not wish to expose our younger students to these types of email unnecessarily.  Unfortunately that means that for our younger students we have put in place email restrictions. 

    Here is a breakdown of eMail restrictions we have in place:


    K-2   No eMail Access   (2nd grade starts eMail lessons second semester)

    3-8   Internal Only   (Students may email each other and Jackson Staff only)

    9-12  Internal/External   (Needed for curriculum, but emails are monitored for safety)


    Even during this time of remote learning, our priority on keeping your children safe online has not changed.  

    We have heard of some circumstances where emails have "bounced back" when parents have replied to emails from a teacher that also included a student email address.  Please know in these circumstances that only the message to the student's email address has "bounced".  Your message to the teacher would still be received in these cases.  Avoid using "reply all" to avoid the bounced message.



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  • I have no Internet at home, are there free/low cost options?

    Posted by:

     Locally the following companies are offering free Internet access for households who do not currently have a connection during the COVID-19 crisis.


    We are asking that you consider contacting one of these providers as soon as possible to arrange Internet access for your home.


    Massillon Cable (MCTV):  330-833-4134 


    Spectrum Cable (formerly Time Warner): 1-844-488-8395 


    If you do get reliable Internet for your home, please contact us if you no longer need a Kajeet.  The Kajeet devices are in limited supply and we would like to be able to make it available for others if needed.

    Comments (-1)
  • How do I use the Kajeet?

    Posted by:

    Kajeets are basic level Internet access devices that have been provided for some students when Internet access is not available.
    We have prepared a how to guide here.

    Comments (-1)
  • My Chromebook Charger is lost or broken

    Posted by:

    Chromebook chargers are covered with the Polaris Protection Plan when they fail due to a manufacturer defect.  If they have been damaged or they are missing the charger may need to be replaced at the parent/guardian's expense.

    The school normally has them available to purchase from the Media Center, but it is possible to purchase them online as well.

    For your convienence, these links are examples of what to purchase, and should not be considered to be an endorsement of Amazon:

    If your charger has a small round connector (N22, N23) you can find chargers here:



    If your charger is oval and flat (100e, Yoga, USB3):



    Other than the connector shape, the key feature is the  power capability.  A lower rated charger will not charge quickly and the Chromebook may overheat the charger.  For almost all of the Chromebooks you may be using, the required power is 45 W(att).  If you are using a "Yoga" Chromebook, the power requirement is 65 W.



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  • I am having trouble with my internet connection.

    Posted by:

    Most homes in Jackson are serviced by MCTV, Spectrum, or AT&T.  You can find support numbers below. 

    If you are using a district supplied Kajeet device, vist the eLearning site and look for the eLearning Help Desk in the "Links on the Left"


    MCTV: 330-833-4134  https://www.mctvohio.com/contact

    Spectrum: 1-855-707-7328 https://www.spectrum.com/browse/content/communitysolutions-support

    AT&T: 1-800-288-2020 https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/dsl-high-speed/


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  • I'm sharing my computer and Google docs need permission

    Posted by:

    When you share your computer with your student, you may already be logged into Chrome with your gmail account.  You can fix this by using Chrome Profiles.  We have instructions here: Chrome Profiles Help

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  • How do I add my home printer to my Chromebook?

    Posted by:

    Written instructions from Google are available here: Written Instructions


    Interactive directions for Printing are available here: Guided Directions

    Please note, these directions are for home printing only.

    Comments (-1)
  • I am having trouble logging into POLARIS.

    Posted by:

    On the Polaris eLearning page look for the eLearning Help Desk in the "Links on the Left"


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  • How can I contact my teacher with questions?

    Posted by:

    Find your teacher's email by visiting the Staff Directory

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