- Jackson Mem. Middle School
JMMS FAQs...Have a question? Check here!
Question: How do I call the school?
Answer: The school's phone number is 330-830-8034
Question: How can I check my child's homework?
Answer: Check polaris for updates. Many teachers use Remind or email newsletters as well. You can also check the teacher websites! Most have homework sections and/or calendars in Polaris with information and due dates for assignments.
Question: How do I check my child's grades?
Answer: Login into the HAC (Home Access Center) to access student grades. You can also access grades in Polaris! If you did not receive this mailing with sign-in information (usually in September), you can call the school or have your child visit the Student Services Office to get this information.
Question: My child is sick, how does he/she makeup work?
Answer: They are welcome to sign in and work from home if they are up for it. If he or she is too ill to work from home, he or she can wait a day or two to do so (I would email the teachers to check in if this is the case). Students have one day per day absent to make up work for full credit.
Question: We're going on vacation, how do I get work for my child to work on while we're gone?
Answer: Your child can sign in to e-learn while on vacation if they will have time. Also, your child can complete the work when they return (they'll have 1 extra day per day absent to make up work). You can also request work ahead of time; but only request work if your child will complete it while on vacation. (It is sometimes a lot of work to gather the assignments ahead of time!) Send in a note with your child at least 3 days before the day(s) your child will be absent. They will receive a vacation form from the office which each teacher will sign. Then, your child turns this back into the office for the "official" record. Teachers will give your child their work the day before he or she leaves (at the latest). It is due to be turned in the day the student is back in school (unless your child had questions or needed materials at school).
Question: I need to pick up my child early from school; what do I do?
Answer: Send in a note (or call the office if you forget) and a teacher will write a pass for your child.
Don't see your question here? Send me an email or call the office :)