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Mrs. Adams Class Website
Welcome to Mrs. Adams 3rd Grade Class!
Although this will be my first year teaching 3rd grade, it is my ninth year of teaching full time here at Sauder. I have spent the last 8 years teaching grade 5 and was a reading tutor before that. I have also taught for Orrville City Schools and for Shelby County Schools in Memphis, Tennessee.
I am a proud member of our community, personally and professionally. I live right here in Jackson Township with my husband, daughter Taylor, and our dog named Sophie. Taylor is currently a student at Kent State University and my older daughter, Hailey, is a social worker in Stark County.
Contact Information
If at any time you need to contact me, please feel free to send me a note, phone me before or after school at 330-830-8028, or leave me a message on my voicemail by phoning 330-830-8100, ext. 5110. You may also contact me through email at wka2jc@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org.
Website Information
This website will replace the weekly or monthly newsletter that so many people are accustomed to getting in elementary school. In this digital age, we are trying to save the paper as we keep you informed about your child's school activities. It is a work in progress so please be sure to check in on a regular basis as I complete new sections and as information is updated. This site will provide an overview of information on topics we are currently learning.