Mrs. Vespoint - First Grade

    Mrs. Vespoint
    First Grade Teacher at Sauder Elementary, Room 153
    Phone Ext. 5153
    Welcome to first grade!
    I look forward to gaining new experiences with all of my students and their families throughout this school year. At anytime you may e-mail me. I will also be using Class Dojo as our main form of communication. This app will be used for behavior management with your child and our class as they receive points. Through the app, I will vet out our weekly newsletter every Sunday night, homework assignment reminders, PTG events, school wide activities, and photos of our fun! You can reach me at Sauder ext. 5153. I return phone calls around 3:45 after students have been dismissed onto buses. Open communication is key to success, so please use me as a resource!
    Use the links to learn more about Mrs. Vespoint, our classroom curriculum, and more.