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Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Welcome new fourth graders and families! We are going to have a great year! I am so excited about being your Math and Science teacher this year. We will be partnering with Mrs. Gonzalez-Abreu as she will be your English & Language Arts/Social Studies teacher.
This is my twenty-first year of teaching, and my thirteenth at Sauder. I am a graduate of Kent State University where I received both my undergraduate and Master's of Education degree.My husband and I have three adult children, two dogs, and a horse. Our two daughters are married, and we have one adorable grandson! Our son will be graduating from college this year and we will then be "official" empty nesters! Our dogs are terribly spoiled, especially now that they are the only ones in the house. Don't be surprised if you hear stories about the "Boys" at your dinner table. I have many stories to tell and students of years past have loved them! One of my favorite lifelong hobbies has been pursuing equestrian sports, hence the theme of our room this year.
I will be communicating with parents via the Remind app and email, so make sure to sign up for Remind. Please send a note, an email, or call the school if you need to contact me. I will get back with you as soon as I am able. My email address is: jjp2jc@jackson.sparcc.org. My phone number at school is (330) 830-8028 x5136. I look forward to partnering with you this year in the educational process of your child. We are going to have a great year!Sincerely,Mrs. Jennifer Podnar4th Grade TeacherSauder Elementary