
  • I have tried to include as much information in the handbook as possible, but please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I also recommend visiting the district website for links for rules, procedures, and other information. You can view the Jackson Local Schools website here: www.jackson.stark.k12.oh.us.


    Mrs. Heather Shaffer


    330-830-8028, ext. 5139

    7503 Mudbrook St. NW

    Massillon, Ohio 44646

    Principal: Mr. J.R. Reindel

    Office Secretary: Mrs. Renee Edwards

    School Counselor: Mrs. Amy Zavarelli

    Office Aide: Mrs. Drury

    Newsletters & Communication:

    * The Home Folder and Class Dojo will be your child’s primary means of communication between home and school.

    * The Home Folder will come to and from school every day as a way to transport important papers or notes from home or school.  It will be your child’s responsibility to check this folder every morning as they arrive at school, although I will help to remind them as well. As your child arrives at home, please check their Home Folder daily for notes and papers from school.

    * Class Dojo is an app and website that is the fastest way to communicate with me. I will post reminders, updates, and classroom happenings that you won’t want to miss! Please be sure to get connected and set up notifications to be aware of updates and messages.   **Although Class Dojo is commonly used for behavior, I prefer to use my own system of rewards and consequences using paper tickets. A more detailed description can be found in the “Classroom Discipline and Rewards” section of this handbook.

    * Email and voicemail are also options to get in touch with me. I  check my voicemail and email at least once in the morning and after school. I will return your calls and emails as quickly as possible. 

    * You will receive a newsletter every Friday, which will include exciting news in our classroom as well as curriculum updates, homework assignments, and other reminders. Newsletters are also uploaded to Class Dojo for easy access.


    Parent Pick-Up / Drop-Off / Early Dismissals:

    *** Student Pick Up Note--If you plan on picking up your child from school every day this year, please have your child take a note to his/her teacher with the student’s first and last name, the date, and teacher’s name. In the note, please indicate that your child is parent pick-up until further notice. If you want to change from parent pick-up due to an appointment, or you have decided to have your child ride the bus, you will need to send a note on the day of the change with your child’s first and last name, the date, teacher’s name, and the change that you are requesting.

     *** Please see the Sauder Elementary attendance policies for more information regarding early dismissals.  These rules have been implemented to ensure your child’s safety.

    *** Student Drop Off and Pick Up--In the morning, you may drop off your child at Sauder door 2S beginning at 8:30 am. In order to access the Sauder drop off line, please turn into the JMMS driveway off of Mudbrook. Depending on the length of the Sauder drop off line, you may need to veer to the right and drive in front of JMMS door 5W and loop around the JMMS parking lot along the football stadium fence. This allows more cars safer access to the drop off line and prevents a backup on Mudbrook. Students who are dropped off are supervised in the gym until they are dismissed to their classrooms at 8:45. Students who are dropped off after 8:45 go straight to their classrooms. Our pm parent pickup car-line begins at Door 2S each day at approximately 3:30 pm. To access this car-line, parents should follow the same procedure as am drop off described above.

    ***Please know that it is a school-wide rule that children are not permitted to be signed out in the office after a school event, including classroom parties. If you plan to take your child home after a school event, you must send a note that morning and pick up your child using the Parent Pick-Up Line. This rule has been implemented to ensure your child’s safety.



    Visitors are required to show identification to get a visitor badge printed with their name and destination. To enter the school, you must be buzzed in through the main office. The secretary will ask you your name and the purpose of your visit. Visitors are not permitted for lunchtime.


    Lanyards/ID Badges:

    Students should wear their ID badge to school every day. The badges will be scanned when they get on and off the bus, when purchasing lunch, when checking out books in the library, and to logging into Clever on the computer. If your child loses their badge and needs a replacement, contact me or the main office and a new one will be issued. The first replacement is free, then there will be a charge for any future replacements.


    Lunch Accounts:

    Sauder uses a computer system to give each student their own lunch account. Money can be added to your child’s account online at www.payforit.net or by sending a check (with “Lunch Money” written on the memo line) or cash to school in your child’s Home Folder. Each time your child buys a school lunch, they will use their Student Badge to scan and use the funds from their lunch account.  If your child “overdrafts” from their account, your balance may come home on a full sheet of paper as a reminder to be paid off. The lunch menu can be found on the school website and will also be posted on Class Dojo. 

              Breakfast will be offered again this year between 8:45-9:15 and will be eaten in the classroom. Students scan their badge to pay using their account. Please note: First graders are not required to have written permission to purchase breakfast. Please discuss with your child whether they should be purchasing a breakfast or not. I will allow them to purchase a breakfast unless I hear otherwise from you. Please reach out to me if you need more guidance on this!

    The cost of breakfast is $2.00 and lunch is $3.50. Milk can also be purchased separately if desired. 


    Birthday Treats & Out-of-School Parties:

    Birthdays are such an exciting time for first graders! The children like to bring treats to school to share with their classmates. Any food brought in for the class must be store bought and include an ingredient label (to help students with food allergies). Individually wrapped items are preferred. Also, no gum please. You could also consider bringing in a non-food item, such as stickers, pencils, or other party favors. Summer birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the school year.  **Due to hurt feelings, birthday invitations for parties outside of school cannot be passed out at school unless ALL boys and/or girls in the class are invited. Thank you for understanding!

    Book Orders:
    I will send home Scholastic book orders throughout the year. This is certainly not required but can be a nice resource if you’re looking for birthday/holiday gift ideas or simply to build your home library. I will send a reminder in the weekly newsletter as well as Class Dojo, but please do not feel obligated to order!. All ordering is done online and is so easy and orders can now be delivered right to your house!
    Here’s how you can  order:

    1. SIGN UP at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs. On the parent page, click the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register your account.
    2. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code: GKVHC. 
    3. SELECT the books you'd like to order. 
    4. SEND your order to me online by the due date and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom within 2 weeks after the due date.  


    The first graders will eat snack in the afternoon. Please send a nutritional snack (no candy) to school with your child every day to be kept in your child’s locker until snack time. I recommend sending in enough snacks for a week (or two!) to be sure your child has something to provide energy and keep them alert every day. A friendly reminder will come home if your child does not have their own snack. Donations are always welcome to our “Extra Snack” bin too!


    Show & Tell:
    Students will have a turn every other Friday to bring something in for  Show and Tell. This is an excellent oral language activity for your child and their classmates. The children enjoy listening and asking questions about the “treasures” their classmates bring in.  Check the weekly newsletter to find out when it is your child’s turn.

    Homework Information:

    Monday - Thursday nights: 15 minutes of nightly reading

    It is important for your child to practice their reading strategies every day at home. Reading assignments will be posted in the weekly newsletter and will consist of a “Book-in-a-Bag”, library book, choosing a book from home to read, or completing the Poetry Folder paper. Please check the newsletter each week to stay up-to-date on assignments.


    Math: assigned weekly

    There will be math homework assignments reviewing skills we have already covered in class. Because this is optional homework, completed pages can be turned in at any time throughout the week for a reward ticket! Please try not to work ahead. Also, please note that there will be pages not assigned as homework, but you may choose to have your child complete.