• If you are searching for a title in our collection that is checked out or not available, consider using the Stark Library.

    The Stark Library, which has a branch in Jackson Township (currently located in the Buehler's Plaza across from the Jackson YMCA), has an extensive collections of books, magazines, DVDs, and games available for no charge.

    You need a Stark Library card to borrow materials. If you do not have a card, click the link at the bottom of the page to view and print an application. The application must be signed by a parent and taken to a branch of the library to receive your card. Your card can be used to check out materials at the library and to hold items through their online catalog.

    Feel free to stop into the JMMS Learning Commons for help with searching or borrowing materials from the Stark Library.

    Click the link below to begin searching the Stark Library online catalog. 

    Stark Library Online Catalog 

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