- Amherst Elementary
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- Daily 5 & Guided Reading
We will use the Daily 5 to help us practice our foundational language arts skills. Each day students will rotate between the following stations: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, Work on Writing, and Listen to Reading. While students work independently, I will meet with groups of students to focus on building specific reading skills.
The first few weeks of school will be dedicated to teaching procedures for all stations as well as building stamina. This is critical for long term success of the Daily 5. The goal is for students to work completely independently for as long as they can stay on task.Read to Self: The best way to become a better reader is to practice! This station gives students uninterrupted time to read "good fit" books in a relaxed atmosphere.Word Work: Spelling is an important component because it builds students' vocabulary for when they read more difficult texts. Students will practice skills learned in our Fundations program using fun materials such as stamps, magnetic letters, and whiteboards.Work on Writing: Allowing students uninterrupted time to write gives them the opportunity to build writing skills. Students can write stories, poems, research, letters, notes, and more during this time.Listen to Reading: This gives students an opportunity to hear fluent reading with appropriate expression and pace. Students will have a selection of books to choose from using online databases.Read to Someone: This gives students another opportunity to practice reading. Students will read aloud in pairs to practice reading skills, reading with expression, and checking for understanding (comprehension).