- Amherst Elementary
- Classroom Expectations
All first grade students are expected to always be respectful, encourage everyone, and show responsibility. We will spend our first couple weeks of school explaining the rules, demonstrating how to follow them, and then practicing how to follow them correctly.
Our goal in first grade is to create an environment in which everyone feels safe, feels good about themselves, and knows what behaviors are expected of them.
We will be using the Whole Brain Teaching Model's rules:
- Follow directions quickly.
- Raise your hand for permission to speak.
- Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
- Make smart choices.
- Keep your dear teacher happy.
These "kid-friendly" rules have been used in hundreds of classrooms and are proven to be effective in maintaining a positive classroom environment.
Below is a specific list of the behavior expectations for first grade in "parent friendly" terms.
Students are expected to:
- Listen and participate appropriately
- Use respectful attitudes and language towards the teacher and other students
- Complete work with care
- Follow directions the first time
- Use a soft voice during "Quiet Talk" times
- Display proper behavior in the hall, bathroom, or classroom at all times
- Bullying, whether by words or actions, is never permitted.