Miss Loveless

My Home Page

    Miss Loveless
    Welcome to my Kindergarten Class!
    Kindergarten Reminders:

    *The folder with the clear pouch comes back and forth to school everyday! Please empty this every night.

    *All changes in dismissal and parent pick-up notes must be handwritten notes that are sent to school in your chid's clear pouch inside their folder

    *Please help your child practice their lunch code at home

    *If your child will be eating breakfast at school, please send me a note indicating when he/she is eating at school

    *We have gym Mondays and Tuesdays, children need to be wearing tennis shoes in order to participate. They can leave shoes at school to change or wear them on Mondays & Tuesday.




    Special Schedule


    Monday- Gym

    Tuesday- Music

    Wednesday- Music

    Thursday- Libray

    Please return books each week

    Friday- Gym


    Recess is at 10:45

    Lunch is at 11:05