• There are many ways we can each be a part of raising funds for the events and activities that the students enjoy throughout the year at Amherst. A few of the ways are below:

    The Consumer Incentive Class Competitions revolve around the class that brings in the most  BoxTops for Education labels within a month's time. A room parent from each class will count the totals at the end of each month. After all classes are tallied, the classroom with the most incentives collected during that month receives a prize that will be used in the winning classroom.

    Box Tops- General Mills products have the Box Top Logo on the box packaging. Each logo is worth 10 cents or more. For more information, visit their website

    Giant Eagle-  Instead of collecting receipts for our groceries, you can donate your spending electronically through the Giant Eagle Advantage Card. It helps Amherst to earn points toward needed educational awards. If you have the Advantage Card already and would still like to donate to Amherst, call 1-800-474-4777 and follow the simple voice prompts. The Amherst ID number is 1575.

    All of the Amherst families are encouraged to participate in any or all of these easy fundraisers. One product is not endorsed over the others. If you already enjoy any of the products listed, please send in the Box Tops. Every lit bit adds up!

    If you have any questions, please contact our Incentives Chairperson for this program, 

    Mrs. Pamela Werner at





box tops for ed.bmp
giant eagle.bmp