
P.I.R.A.T.E Binder



     A PIRATE Notebook is a special notebook that your child will carry to and from school every day this year. 

    P.I.R.A.T.E is an acronym for Prepared Informed Ready and 

    Together Every day.  The P.I.R.A.T.E Notebook will help your child stay organized and keep you in touch with our classroom.


    P.I.R.A.T.E Rules:

    Take care of your PIRATE; it will be used all year!

    Clean out the "Work to Keep at Home" every evening.

    Take your PIRATE home everyday and bring it back each morning.


    Keep your PIRATE clean.


              Show your PIRATE to your parents everyday - they will be so proud of your new responsibility!

       P.I.R.A.T.E Don’ts:

    Don't make any marks or drawings in or on your PIRATE.

    Don't leave your PIRATE at home, in the car or bus, or at daycare.

    Don't let anyone borrow your PIRATE or tear pages out of your PIRATE.

    Don't put any papers in your PIRATE that do not belong.

    Don't eat or drink in front of your PIRATE!


    The P.I.R.A.T.E Notebook contains the sections listed below. Items are put in the P.I.R.A.T.E Notebook daily so please look at all of the sections.






    Behavior Sheet

    At the beginning of each month, a new behavior calendar will be taped to the inside of your child's binder.  Each day they will shade the square to show what color they ended their day on, according to our Clip Chart.  Parents will need to sign at the end of each week.  I will check these on Mondays.


    Zipper Pouch

    This is where students put lunch money, important notes, book orders, permission slips, etc...



    This pocket is for homework to be completed and neat, finished homework to be placed and turned in the next day.  



    Your child will be responsible for checking their mailbox at the end of the each day.  This is where they will place the weekly newsletter, important papers from the office, PTG information, flyers, etc...







    Class List

    You'll always know who is in your child's class.  I will update the list for any new students who might come throughout the year or if anyone moves.  



      Specials and Schedules

    These are handy references to remember when your child has lunch and recess, Music, Gym, and Library.  


    Work to Keep at Home

    This section is for graded papers and projects completed in class to monitor your child's progress.  Please take out any papers each night and review them with your son or daughter




    Mrs. McBride (330) 830-8056 ext. 2216

