- Strausser Elementary
- Kinderwood

NOW LEARNING @ Theater 4
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Thank you for visiting our classroom website. Kindergarten is an exciting and fun-filled learning adventure!
On this website you will find event information, homework assignments, classroom news, and other information valuable to our class.
*Parents please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns!
(330) 830-8056 or bjg2jc@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org
The first day of school is almost here!I am looking forward to meeting my newstudents!The following is important information aboutparent night, Open House and the first day ofschool!- Parent Night:
- Monday, August 15, 6:30-7:30
- We will meet with the rest of the Kindergarten parents in the school cafeteria. Mrs. Waltman will briefly go over some information that pertains to all parents. We will then head to the classroom. During parent night I will explain all the ins and outs of my classroom procedures and routines. This night is meant for parents to come in and gain an understanding of what their child's Kindergarten year will look like!
- Open House:
- Thursday, August 18, 4:30-6:30
- Open House is your chance to bring your child to our classroom and see what is inside! It is also my chance to meet your child! You are welcome to bring your child's school supplies on this night!
- First Day:
- Monday, August 22, 9:30-11:30
- There are two important pieces of information that you need to know for this day...your child WILL NOT be riding the bus to school and you will need at least ONE PARENT to come with your child this day! Today is a "practice round" for your child. You will come with them to see what a glimpse of their day will be like. We will have a fun activity for the morning, read a story, ride the bus and then we will go to the cafeteria for a morning snack. You are welcome to bring in a snack for this or you and your child may purchase a snack from the cafeteria!
- The Day After the First Day:
- Tuesday, August 23
- Today is the day! Today your child WILL ride their bus, today your child will come to school on their OWN and begin their wonderful and amazing year of KINDERGARTEN!!!
- Smile! The first day of Kindergarten is exciting!