- Strausser Elementary
- Mrs. McBride's Class
Mrs. McBride's Class
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Mrs. McBride's Class - 1st Grade
Welcome to 1st Grade!
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. John F. Kennedy
We have set sail on our journey of learning, discovery, and fun. Please stop by often to find important events, polls, and general classroom information.
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.
- Walt Disney
In the Jackson Local School District students are our first priority. Our purpose is to create a learning environment that
~helps all students meet or exceed state standards,
~provides responsive and appropriate intervention,
~promotes student leadership,
~encourages meaningful parent and community involvement,
~provides real world learning experiences,
~respects individual and cultural differences, and
~provides a rigorous student-centered curriculum.
We believe that:
~Students are our first priority.
~All students can learn given proper resources, encouragement, and time.
~Learning must be at the core of our daily lives to prepare us for citizenship in the 21st Century.
~Learning is life long for all members of our community.
~Students learn in different ways and, therefore, must be provided with opportunities that meet their individual needs.
~The ever changing needs of students require that professional development must be ongoing, based on research, aligned with district goals, and embedded in our daily work.
~The actions of the members of our learning community must provide students with the effective models of citizenship, thereby fostering students who are responsible, accountable, and respectful.
~A safe and caring learning environment is critical for the success of our students.
~Collaboration with and among students, staff, parents, and community is essential for continuous improvement.
~School pride in academics and all other activities should be shared with and among students, staff, parents, and community.
Our vision of the future is
STRIVING for excellence...
which means students achieving their highest potential, inspired by teachers who are making a difference, encouraged by parents who are providing support, and empowered to action by a community working together to ensure that every child realizes his/her dreams.