Celebrity of the Week

  • Dear Parents,

    It is your child’s turn to be our “Celebrity of the Week”. I am sure your child is excited about this opportunity to share more about who he/she is and the interests that captivate them! Thank you for your help in making sure these things happen this week!


    Please bring in a poster board or (something that can be stapled to a display) that represents your child’s life thus far. You can add a written section of their “Favorite Things”, photographs from when they were babies (Yes please!), family pets, hobbies, ect. Get creative! Anything goes!


    Please bring in a book I can read to the class (or if your child is a reader, THEY can read to the class). It can be a family favorite or have significance to your family or child in a different way. (Please no chapter books.)


    Come prepared to share a talent your child may have! It can be silly, serious, need props, need me to play along, something your child is confident in doing and would be happy to do in front of the class!


    Bring in 3-5 photographs of your family to share with the class. Please send photographs in a Ziploc bag and be sure to send in duplicates so originals do not get ruined!


    Share a favorite snack with the class! You can drop it off in the office or if it is pre-packaged, send it in the morning!

    Thank you so much for helping me make your child the “Celebrity” this week! If you have any questions, just let me know!

                                                                         -Mrs. Grubb