- Amherst Elementary
- The ABC's of First Grade
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The ABC's of First Grade
The ABC's of First GradeA It is very important for your child to be at school everyday, but if your child will be absent, please call 830-8024 to let the office know.
B If you would like to send a birthday treat for the class on your child’s birthday, you are more than welcome to. Please do not send birthdayinvitations to school unless there is an invitation for everyone.
C Communication is extremely important. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!We will go to the computer lab twice a week.
D Your child’s discipline is very important. We want to have the best learning environment possible in our classroom. We will be using the color Behavior System to enforce positive behavior.
E Email is a wonderful way to contact your child's teacher if you have questions or concerns.
Please make sure that the information on your child’s emergency card is always up to date.
F Fundations is a phonics and spelling program that we will be using in First Grade. Lessons in Fundations focus on carefully sequenced skills that include print knowledge, alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and spelling.
G We will have gym twice a week. Please make sure your child has tennis shoes on gym days
H Your child will have homework Monday-Thursday and Poetry Notebook on Fridays. Please check your child’s purple “Take Home Folder” nightly.
I You are the most important aspect of your child’s education.
J When the weather gets colder, please make sure your child wears a jacket to school. In cold weather, the children go outside for recess when the temperature (including wind chill) exceeds 15 degrees F.
K Know what’s going on by reading the weekly newsletter and checking the school’s website.L First grade will have recess and lunch from 11:30 – 12:15.We will visit the library once a week for a story and to check out books. Please make sure your child takes good care of their library books and returns them to school on Library days.M We will have Music twice a week.Please make sure that any money that is sent to school is placed in a baggie or envelope and is labeled with your child’s first and last name.N Please read the newsletters that will come home each week to learn about what’s going on in our classroom.O Please make sure to sign in and out at the office every time you are tardy to school or are leaving early from school.P Please get involved with the PTO.Q Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. We can be reached by phone, email, or by writing a note.R Please read with your child every night.Report Cards will be sent home four times a year. 1st graders will receive M, P’s or N’s on their report card. M = Mastered, P = Progressing, and N = Not Demonstrating.
S Sight Words are now being referred to as Fundations Words. There will be a list of words sent home at the beginning of every Fundations Unit. Practice the words on these lists. Your child should be able to read and spell all of the words listed on their lists. Your child will be assessed on these words during each Fundation Unit we are working.
T If your child has a change in their transportation home, please inform me. Without a note or phone call, your child MUST go home the same way as they normally do.U If you do not understand something I have sent home, please feel free to ask.V Amherst Elementary is always looking for parent volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer at school, look for notices coming home in your child’s folder. Our PTO and school plan many events where volunteers are needed.W Please check our district website, school website and our Jackson Local Schools Facebook website for important information and updates.X We will have many fun and eXciting eXperiences in First Grade!Y You are your child’s first and most important teacher. I hope that we can work together this year to make your child’s 1st grade school year a huge success!Z ZZZZZZ…..Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest in order to perform their best every day.
This year will zoom by so let’s make the best of it!