- Amherst Elementary
- Parent Pick-Up Information
Parent Pick-Up Information
Dear Parents,
In order to provide better supervision and ensure the safety of all Jackson Local Elementary students, a district-wide policy has been instituted in regards to dismissals.
In the absence of specific written/signed instructions from parents all children will board the bus. Please notify us in writing if there is a need for your child's early/alternate dismissal. We do not take these directions over the telephone, except in the case of extreme emergency.
Please note that for security purposes, students will NOT be dismissed to parents following school events held during the regular school day. If a note was sent in with the child in the morning, students will be dismissed though the PARENT PICK UP DOOR at 3:35 p.m. Otherwise, children will take the bus home at 3:30pm.
PARENT PICK-UP WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL THE BUSES ARE DISMISSED. This is a change from the past. If you absolutely need to pick up your child for an appointment we must have a note in the morning specifying the time and the the person picking up your child. You will need to park your car and come in to the office to sign your child out. You cooperation is greatly appreciated.
As always, if you have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school at 330-830-8024.