Star Student

  • Star Student

    Each week we will have a new student be our "Star Student." During that week, we celebrate that student by learning about their family, friends, favorite things, books, toys and more!  Here are the things that you will get to do with your child to help celebrate their special week with us:

     On your child's assigned week (see calendar attached) please bring in the corresponding items on the following days:


    Monday:  This day is about your child.  Please send in pictures of your child - anything from baby pictures to their first day of Kindergarten. (Don't worry-we will send them all back home at the end of the week.)

    Tuesday: Today we want to learn all about your child's family, friends, and favorite things. Please send in additional pictures that cover these items to share with the class. 

    Wednesday:  Please write a letter about your child to the class.  Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class. The content of the letter is up to you, here are a few ideas:

    • Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear.
    • Write a silly or serious poem about your child, tell us some interesting things we may not know about your child.
    • Send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story with your child as the main character.
    Thursday: Show and Tell day! Please allow your child to bring in ONE item to share with the class. 

    Friday:  Your child needs to bring in their favorite picture book to share with the class.  It can be a book they already know how to read or a book that they'd like me to read. Whatever book has a special place in their heart!