- Lake Cable Elementary
- My Links
Schloneger, Nathalina
Page Navigation
My Links
Disclaimer:The links here have been evaluatedfor their grade and age appropriateness,however, contents of the links on theworld wide web change continuously.It is advisable that parents review all links.
Other Games
Music Classes For Kids
Music Games
Data Dragon
Learning about and listening to different instruments, reading music, musical genres and links to additional sites are features of this site.
Music History
Little Amadeus
"In October, 2008, this popular European animated series debuted on American public television. The half-hour show, which follows a young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart around 18th century Austria, is designed to introduce preschool and elementary students to classical music and various musical concepts."
Music Listening
Music Performers
From the Top radio program
Radio & TV Programs: Meet the Young Performers * Education: Activities * Extras: Answer Zone
Music Theory
Music Websites
Internet Public Library
Click Art & Music to find more than 100 websites related to music!
The Recorder
Interactive Recorder Fingering Chart
Check out this link to learn new notes on your recorder!
Symphony Orchestra
Callum 'n' Dad blog about music
Callum and his Dad blog about music. . .especially the Canton Symphony Orchestra! -
The San Francisco Symphony
Instruments of the Orchestra * The Music Lab * What's Up at the Symphony? * The Radio
Fun Educational Activities
For Music Activities: Go to #3 - It's Fun to Read * Click Music * You will find short biographies (and some musical examples) of the following composers: Beethoven, Chopin, Joplin, Mozart, Offenbach, Tchaikovsky -
Enchanted Learning
over 20,000 web pages from A to Z (Activity Calendars to Zoom School) -
free, instant access to thousands of resources especially for grades K-5, including *The ART Collection *Biography Reference Bank *EBSCOhost *Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos *L'Encyclopedie Decouverte *LearningExpress Library *Literature Online from Chadwyck-Healey *NewsBank Newspapers *Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection *Science Online *SIRS Discoverer *World Book Web