English Language Arts

  • All students will have Language Arts before lunch with Mr. Raddish, Mrs. Baker, or myself.

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    In my classroom we will be using Daily 2. Daily 2 is a classroom management structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence. Our classroom focuses on "Read to Self" and "Work on Writing" during our Daily 2 time. This independent time for the students allows me to visit with different small groups throughout the week to offer more one on one attention and instruction, specific to your child's individual needs."Read to Self" is a time when students work independently on improving their fluency, comprehension, accuracy, inflection, and other essential aspects of becoming a great reader by reading best fit books. "Work on Writing" is a time for students to create their own writing in order to encourage proper grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, creativity, and countless other writing skills.
    Ask your child to tell you more about these practices!