- Lake Cable Elementary
- Mrs. Taylor's Classroom
Mrs. Taylor's Home Page
Welcome to Mrs. Taylor's 2nd Grade Web Page!
Please stop by often to find important events, links, and fun!
Phone Number: 330-834-4673 Ext: 6104 e-mail: mt22jc@jackson.sparcc.org
Raise your hand. Don’t talk while others are talking. Be a good listener and follow directions Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Stay in your assigned area. Make eye contact when speaking and always reply when spoken to.
Say kind words. Don’t be mean. Be a team player. Don’t be a sore loser. Be happy for others.
Bring your lunch/ lunch money and a snack Complete homework every night and place it in the appropriate containers in the morning. Clean up after yourself. Keep your desk organized.
1= Warning
2= Timeout and $1 fine
3= Handwritten letter home requiring parent signature
Their behavior card is stamped every week (if they have not had 2 bear bucks pulled). If they have 8 (out of 9) weeks with a stamp on their card they are invited to the BEAR BUCK PARTY.
Kid-Cash is given for good choices and responsible behavior.
-Homework done all week (w/name and complete)= $2
-Weekly stamp on behavior card= $2
-Fundations folder returned and complete= $1
-Math Facts turned in on time and with parent signature= $1
KID-CASH is used at our CLASS AUCTION each grading period
Class Goals
* To be kind and respectful
* To use our "tool box" of strategies
* To use our best handwriting
* To be the best mannered class in school
* To return homework every day
* To treat everyone as we would like to be treated
* To memorize math facts up to 12 (+,-,x,/) * To "find the magic" when reading
Additional Supplies
1 inch plastic sleeve (front and back) white binder
sock for dry erase board
We ask that your child bring his/her supplies to Open House
Any donations of wrapped candy, stickers, paper plates and/or napkins would be greatly appreciated!