• In an effort to be more efficient and streamlined, the Jackson Local School District has created a COVID-19 information form. This form asks parents to provide the same information our school health professionals were collecting during phone conversations. This form will allow parents to complete the required information-gathering process in much less time than before. The form can be completed, in most situations, in less than 4 minutes. This COVID-19 form is required to be completed in order for student absences related to COVID-19 to be granted medically excused according to the Ohio Revised Code. If the form is not completed, the student may be marked as unexcused.


    • This form will be emailed to parents who report students off for COVID-19-related reasons. Please read the form carefully. It explains the return-to-school process. 
    • COVID-related absences after Day 5 must be reported daily to your student’s attendance office. As a reminder, asymptomatic COVID-19 positive students can return after Day 5.

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