- Home
- 2021-2022 School Year Information
JLSD 2021-2022 Parent Resources
Page Navigation
- 2021-2022 School Year Information
- COVID-19 Form Explanation
- COVID-19 Vaccination Information
- 2021-2022 COVID-19 Manual, Flow Chart, FAQs
- ARP ESSER Requirements
- COVID-19 Dashboard
- Learning Recovery & Extended Learning Plan
- Learning Options Guide for students, parents, caregivers
- Student Vaccination Information
- CDC COVID-19 Guidance
- Contact tracing, communication explained - copy
- Restart Jackson Newsletters
- Instructions for Symptomatic Individuals
- December 2020 Calendar for eLearning
- December Transition to eLearning FAQs
- Contact tracing, communication explained
- Family Communications Guide
- New Student ID FAQ
- Restart Jackson Email Address
- Key Contacts
- Age appropriate how to videos
- When should my child return to school after illness?
- When will students be sent home decision tree
- Visitor's Guide for 2020-21 school year
- eLearning POLARIS 2.0 tips, orientation
- COVID-19 Notification process
- Military Family Resources
Mask to Stay / Test to Play
Oct. 26 Letter from Mr. DiLoreto
UPDATE 4 Sept. 24, 2021
UPDATE 3 Sept. 2, 2021
UPDATE 2 Aug. 13, 2021
The Jackson Local School District is providing this information to meet requirements for the American Recovery Plan ESSER and ease of use for JLSD families and stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our comprehensive and organic website RestartJackson.com was created in the summer of 2020 to provide families with a safe plan to return to in-person instruction. It should be noted, employees of the Jackson Local School District were offered the opportunity to receive the two-shot Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in February and March of 2021 and the booster shot in October 2021 as well as the flu and shingles vaccines through a collaborative partnership with the Stark County Health Department.
JLSD administration will meet at least every six months to review these plans and adjust as necessary.
Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan
Universal and correct wearing of masks
Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette and more information here
Cleaning and Maintaining Healthy Facilities
Modifying Facilities to Improve Air Quality
Contact Tracing, Quarantine, and COVID-19 Dashboard
Efforts to Provide Vaccines (please see above for staff)
Diagnostic and Screening Testing
Accommodations for Children with Disabilities
Feedback from Public: please see email address created for COVID-19-related questions, as well as key contacts page, and survey results before the reopening of JLSD buildings in August 2020 and then again in the fall. Many of our FAQs were developed from our COVID-19 email address.
School Supplies for 2021-2022 School Year
The first day of classes in the Jackson Local School District is set for August 16. Families should stay connected to our social media pages for announcements related to the Jackson Local School District for the coming year. We will communicate any announcements there as well as our district website.
Jackson Local School District Facebook
Jackson Local School District Instagram
Jackson Local School District Twitter
Here is a list of school supplies by building. Please note, Jackson High School supplies for specific classes can be found in the Programs of Study Brochure.
Jackson High School Programs of Study
Jackson Memorial Middle School Supplies
Lake Cable Elementary Supplies