Restart Jackson
  • Learning Options Guide

    Dear Jackson Local School District Families:

    On Monday, August 3 you will receive an email from the Jackson Local School District directing you to our First Day Forms. This is where you will provide the district with traditional information prior to the start of the school year. As we all are aware, this is not a typical start to the school year. 

    Among the questions you will answer this year on First Day Forms is your family’s choice on a learning model. The District communicated those learning models in July. Your choices are Option 1: In-Person Instruction; Option 2: eLearning 2.0, and Option 3: Jackson Local Digital Academy.

    We understand these are difficult decisions and much thought goes into each one of these decisions. The Jackson Local School District has created choices for our families. We are providing as much information in this guide as possible. Please look at this information here, as well as information on our page, where our face-covering policy is posted as well as survey information. 


    Chris DiLoreto

    Superintendent, Jackson Local School District


     To download this guide as a PDF, please go here.

    The learning options reflected in the table are available to all Jackson Local students for the 2020-2021 school year. Please be sure to read all of the options to determine the best fit for your student. 

    *** Online learning requires self-discipline and a strong commitment by students and parents. Please be thoughtful about whether or not Options 2 and 3 will address your unique circumstances and allow your child to fully meet his or her academic potential. ***


    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3

    In-Person Instruction

    eLearning 2.0 

    (POLARIS 2.0)

    Digital Academy

    Traditional School Setting

    Remote Setting From Home

    Remote Setting From Home

    If you intend to do any eLearning as a matter of routine, you must select Option 2.

    If you are choosing Option 2 but intend to send your child in-person some days, you must select Option 2.

    Does not align in curriculum and pacing with Options 1 and 2.

    Students will report to their designated school building five days a week.

    Students will check in daily on POLARIS and complete assignments and assessments by scheduled due dates. Students may transition between eLearning 2.0 and In-Person Instruction. Please see attendance requirements below.

    Digital Academy


    Instruction provided by Jackson Local Teachers

    Instruction provided by Jackson Local Teachers through POLARIS

    Instruction provided through a purchased curriculum (Acellus) taught by grade-level and content certified teachers; not taught by Jackson teachers



    I plan to send my child to school five days a week but want him/her to learn from home on eLearning 2.0 if Stark County's public health color code changes. What option do I select on First Day Forms?

    You would select option 1, in-person instruction. Your child's planned routine is in-person.

    I plan to send my child to school three days a week and have him/her learn at home on eLearning 2.0 the other two days (or any other combination of in-person and eLearning). What option do I select on First Day Forms?

    You select option 2, eLearning 2.0 because your child's planned learning model involves routinely learning from home.


    Option 1: Attendance will be taken throughout the day as traditionally done at all buildings. Any student not reporting for in-person instruction will have to either report absent to the attendance office or will have to report for eLearning 2.0 and log in to Polaris.

    Option 2: Attendance for eLearners will be conducted through Polaris. All eLearner 2.0 students are required to log in to Polaris each day to acknowledge an attendance and integrity statement. 

    Options 3: See details below.

    Option 1: Traditional School (Face-to-Face Instruction) 

    • If you are a Career and Tech student, you are required to attend in-person for the Career and Tech course; however, core academic classes may be taken in Option 1 or 2. If you are a Career and Tech student who attends another school in the Compact, you are strongly encouraged to take your core academic classes at Jackson in Option 1 or 2. 
    • Students will report to their classroom teacher(s) and follow a traditional schedule.
    • Teachers will house their assignments in POLARIS so they are available and accessible to in-person and eLearning students.
    • Students may transition from Option 1 to Option 2. Students opting to move between Options 1 and 2 as a weekly routine must check Option 2 as the learning model on First Day Forms. It is strongly recommended students remain in this option unless or until Stark County’s public health alert changes color or at the end of the nine-week grading period.
    • Students transitioning between Options 1 and 2 must meet assignments and assessment deadlines as determined by the teacher.
    • Parents will have access to their child’s POLARIS class/courses.
    • All students will have a district-provided Chromebook to access the curriculum.
    • Chromebook issues/concerns will be facilitated through the library where you child attends school.

    Option 2: eLearning 2.0 (POLARIS 2.0)

    • Online courses are classes that are completed entirely online. These virtual courses are designed to mirror traditional face-to-face courses in rigor and pacing. There is a teacher attached to each online course who monitors student progress, answers questions, and provides direction and assistance on a regular basis.
    • Students who choose to participate in this option need to examine their personal skills and aptitudes for taking an online class. The following attributes will greatly contribute to a student’s success:
    • Self-motivation
    • Independent learner
    • Computer literate
    • Time management skills
    • Effective written communication skills
    • Personal commitment to work and learn
    • Students may transition from Option 2 to Option 1 and may transition on a daily basis. However, it is strongly recommended students remain in this option unless or until Stark County’s public health alert changes color or at the end of the nine-week grading period.
    • Students are expected to log into their POLARIS course(es) daily and complete all activities, assignments and assessments by teacher-imposed due dates.
    • All assessments (test, exams, etc.) for students in grades 6-12 must be completed by the teacher-imposed deadline. For example, a test due at 1 p.m. on Thursday is due at that time for all students regardless of their learning setting (Options 1 and 2). Students in K-5 will be provided with age-appropriate deadlines. For example, a student in first grade taking a test on a Tuesday will be due by the end of the school day. However, teachers will work with families to accommodate special circumstances.
    • There may be times when synchronous learning via Google Meet/Hangouts will take place; however, there is no expectation that your child must log in. All Google Meets/Hangouts for whole class instruction may be recorded and linked into your child’s POLARIS course(es) for viewing at a later time. 
    • Synchronous learning opportunities will vary based on grade level, subject matter, teachers and other factors. 
    • Some recorded lessons may feature another Jackson Local teacher in that same grade level/course, but from a different class or building.
    • Parents still may connect with their child’s classroom teacher via telephone, email, and Google Meet (set up by the teacher).
    • Parents will have access to their child’s POLARIS class/courses.
    • All students will have a district-provided Chromebook to access the curriculum.
    • Chromebook issues/concerns will be facilitated through the Jackson Local Schools Central Office by appointment.

     Option 3: Digital Academy

    Students who choose to participate in this option need to examine their personal skills and aptitudes for taking an online class. The following attributes will greatly contribute to a student’s success:

      • Self-motivation
      • Independent learner
      • Computer literate
      • Time management skills
      • Effective written communication skills
      • Personal commitment to work and learn
    • An orientation meeting will be held for this option with the school counselor.
    • Students may transition from Option 3 to Option 1 or Option 2; however, the digital academy does not line up with Option 1 or 2 curriculum pacing. Students may be ahead or behind their peers transitioning from Option 3 to 1 or 2.
    • Students enrolled in the Digital Academy will have their courses/schedule built by school counselors using the Acellus Program.
    • Students will be expected to complete all assigned courses by the end of the semester/year; however, students may work through courses at their own pace.
    • District personnel will be assigned to your child to facilitate Acellus enrollment, periodic check ins, and assessment completion; however, no teacher will be assigned to assist with content.
    • Students wishing to participate in co-curricular (band, choir, visual arts) activities can do so in Models 1 or 2. They are not available within Model 3.
    • All students will have a district-provided Chromebook to access the curriculum.
    • Chromebook issues/concerns will be facilitated through the Jackson Local Schools Central Office by appointment.

    Athletics and Extracurricular Activities

     Students are eligible for athletics and extra-curricular activities in all learning models so long as they are meeting the academic and conduct code requirements. However, students choosing Model 3 (Digital Academy) and wish to compete in NCAA athletics will need to check with those universities to make sure the Digital Academy curriculum meets NCAA academic requirements.

    Students with Disabilities


    The Special Education Department at Jackson Local Schools is committed to providing a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to our students with disabilities, to the greatest extent possible in alignment with public health guidelines. Collaboration with families has always been an integral part of the special education process and continues to be essential during this time. To address the unique needs of students with disabilities, special education providers will continue to work collaboratively with families to identify the most essential services for each student that may be provided in the learning environment chosen by you as the parent/guardian (i.e., remotely/online or in-person). This may require reconvening of IEP teams to formalize services and/or supports. (Note: This information also applies to those students who are eligible under Section 504 and have Section 504 Plans.) 

    Transitioning Students Back to the School Buildings – We recognize many of our students with disabilities struggle with change/transitions. We also recognize they thrive on routine, which was significantly altered for all students during the spring of 2020. As a result, the district will work with families to provide resources for their students to ease the transition back to the school building (e.g., social stories, virtual tours when possible, previewing schedules, etc.). 

    Any additional training needed to meet the individual needs of students will be provided as identified by the IEP/504 teams for individuals and/or groups of students. 

    Face Coverings

    As previously noted, all staff and students are required to wear face coverings. The guidelines allow for exceptions to staff wearing face coverings when doing so would significantly interfere with the learning process. This is a possibility when working with our students with disabilities. In certain situations, face shields may be worn by staff when appropriate for the learning of individual students. It is also recognized that a student’s disability and/or health conditions may prevent a student from wearing a face covering. IEP/504 teams will discuss any concerns with individual students wearing face coverings and determine appropriate accommodations for each student as needed. To read the Jackson Local School District Face Covering Policy in full, please go here.

    Child Find & Evaluations 

    Jackson Local Schools will continue to identify, locate and evaluate students suspected of having a disability and needing special education and related services. At the same time, Jackson Local Schools will be mindful that students have been displaced from their typical learning environment when initiating the referral process. Some evaluation procedures can be completed in remote learning situations; whereas, some evaluation procedures require in-person contact with students or observations of students in school settings. Jackson Local Schools will conduct evaluations remotely and in-person while adhering to the health guidelines for the safety of students and staff. 

    Evaluation Team Report (ETR), Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team Meetings

    When possible, ETR and IEP meetings will be held virtually to include all required team members (i.e., parent/guardian, intervention specialist, general education teacher and district representative). 

    Delivery of Special Education, Related Services, Accommodations & Modifications 

    Most likely, for students who will be educated in the traditional model, IEPs may not need to be amended. For those students who will be educated online, IEP teams may need to reconvene to address specific areas of the IEP as related to the identified learning environment. Accommodations and modifications can be provided regardless of the educational setting. The IEP team will continue to work collaboratively and make any necessary IEP amendments in this area that may arise due to the educational setting. As always, IEP teams may reconvene at any time to discuss student needs and programming. 

    Progress Monitoring & Reporting 

    Special education teams will have in place data collection and reporting methods (and service logs for those participating in remote learning) as indicated on IEPs. Collecting data and tracking the provision of services will assist educators and families in determining the effectiveness of instruction provided, student performance on IEP goals/objectives, and assist IEP teams in making any necessary adjustments to instruction. Progress reports will continue to be provided as indicated on the IEP.